Analysis of First Trump Administration's Muslim Travel Ban
This Article considers the development of doubt-based standards of proof in criminal proceedings in three of the largest legal traditions: the common law, Islamic law, and East Asian law.
The U.S. President possesses high levels of authority in ad hoc tribunals. Such tribunals can be applied to the War in Ukraine while respecting their constitutional sovereignty.
This Article compares the development of intellectual property laws in three legal systems: Islamic law, the English Common Law, and the Chinese legal system.
To force the Taliban to recognize human rights and enact equal rights to women, the international community holds recognition, and the ability to participate in the international community, for ransom.
The Artemis Accords claim to reinforce and implement the Outer Space treaty by encompassing established international norms into a modern political agreement.
The Egyptian death penalty must be examined from both humanitarian and legal perspectives when the number of capital punishment (death penalty) decisions by Egyptian courts have been significantly escalating.
China, in violation of the UNCLOS, remains undeterred in its mission to expand its influence in the South China Sea. Solution: The Resurrection of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization.
This article examines reinforcing global health jurisprudence to prevent or mitigate the next pandemic. Suggestions include changes to the WHO and restructuring and amending the IHR.
Comparing the FDA's regulatory power over cosmetics with the EC's regulatory power. The EC general has more power than the FDA.
An article describing the nuances military counsel takes in overseeing military contingency real estate transactions.